Monday 28 January 2013

Melbourne: Top Picks

Everyone seems to have a favourite between Melbourne and Sydney. Having absolutely loved Sydney I spent some time discovering Melbourne’s sights and hidden gems to help cast my vote.

Watching the tennis at Federation Square
Federation Square

I chose the right week to visit Melbourne. There was a real buzz in the air with the Australian Open showing on the big screen in Fed Square. 

Melburnians and tourists alike congregated to watch the matches that were being played just down the river at the National Tennis Centre.

I spent my last evening in Melbourne, before the less luxurious lifestyle in Borneo, watching the final. The skyscrapers as a backdrop to the big screen as the sun was setting was beautiful (even though Murray didn’t win!)

The tennis combined with Australia Day on the 26th gave an extra buzz to the square. Cafes were full of cheerful natter and picnics were laid out on blankets on the chilly summer’s day.

The fireworks couldn’t be compared to New Year in Sydney but I don’t think anything can be! It was still good fun; waiting for a break in the tennis the sky light up as everyone dashed to the South Bank to get a better view.

South Bank

With a resemblance to Putney in London the Yarra river is home to Melbourne's rowing clubs. Strolling along the banks watching the rowers train it was easy to forget I was in the second biggest city in the country. The palm trees scattered through the lush green gardens were, however a quick reminder I was nowhere near Putney Bridge!

Heading back to the hustle and bustle of the city the promenade was lined with bars – full of people having a drink after work or like us, tourists enjoying the sunshine in January!

The Lanes 

Wonderful small streets lined with coffee shops and quirky shops were a far cry from the clean, almost swarve nature of Sydney. Settling into one of the many cafes we watched the world go by in the characterful street.

If I had it, I could spend a lot of money round here with the boutique shops selling art, clothes and lovely little trinkets.

Kite surfers in St Kilda
St Kilda

Just 20 minutes on a tram lays Melbourne’s beach. 

Mesmerised by the kite surfers we wandered along the promenade – seeking shelter from the wind in a beach side café before venturing out again to explore this beautiful area.

The shops lining the streets behind the sea are what made me love this place, more so than the actual beach front. 

Not normally one for window shopping I found myself whiling away the afternoon poking in and out of the little independent shops  – always greeted with a friendly smile.
Sunset in St Kilda
Waiting for the sun to set (one of the most beautiful sunsets on my trip so far) we enjoyed the afternoon sunshine in the beer garden of The Vineyard bar  with excellent, fresh sea food on the menu.

St Kilda is famous for its colony of 1,000 tiny penguins and I was eager to see them as they came in for the evening to rest on the rocks by the pier. 

Unfortunately the well organised viewing platforms and helpful guides  didn’t assist in our viewing and I saw just one penguin popping out of the water (at least I think it was a penguin…)

Penguins or no penguins St Kilda was my favourite place in Melbourne. As for my favourite city… I think I’ll have to take another trip to Sydney before I confirm my choice…

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